Do you currently have “acute” or “Chronic” hepatitis B? If so we have a specialty research program designed to help you as well as the research and diagnostic communities. Your plasma is a crucial component for invitro-diagnostic companies in the manufacturing and creation of the test kits used to diagnose patients with this virus as well as further research into the virus.
Participants who qualify and participate can earn up to $500 per visit and you can safely donate 2x in a 7 day period based on the FDA guidelines for donor safety. Plasma is the yellow, watery substance in the red blood cells which house various proteins as well as the antibodies for your diagnosis. The plasma is separated via a procedure called plasmapheresis and your red blood cells are returned to you which is why you can donate 2x in a 7 day period. Donating plasma is a very safe and simple procedure and it is performed in licensed, FDA regulated plasma facilities under the direction of the centers medical director.
To learn more and to see if you may qualify please visit us at, or you may reach us at 800-510-4003 to discuss the program further.